Well here it is, another year ending and the people come out like ants in a swarm to spend themselves into even further debt for stuff that for the most part is unneeded, unwanted, and most likely purchased by obligation. A sad view of Christmas? Yes but it is what we have become! I see all around me people buying gifts for people they barely know because it is "expected" of them. Buying gifts for the children of their child's new, live-in's children, whom they've never met and may never see again, Your hair dresser, what do you give your door man, your children's teachers?.... and what do you do when they no longer have just one? Nieces and nephews? just those who live near you and you will see? just those who actually know or like you? All of them? None of them? And the there are the friends.... and their children and perhaps grandchildren.
Do you wonder what would happen if you stopped forced gifting? What I mean by forced is, the gifts you give because the date tells you to birthdays, Christmas, Anniversary's, Valentine's day? what if we went back to giving a gift of the heart, not so much the wallet, when we felt moved to give something?
Could we be loosing the meaning and good feeling of giving because we "have to"?
I resent having to buy stuff for kids who don't even speak to me unless they are told to or because they want a present for some "date" on a calender.
Don't get me wrong! Oh no! I love to give presents! but those that I do give to, know they are likely to get stuff all year rather than on just those days, I feel joy in giving. When I give something and the recipient is truly thankful or appreciative, when they light up with excitement even if it is cheap, because it is "them" or they see it made me think of them, as well as those things I give because someone wants something they can't afford or justify the expenditure even if its 20.00.
I like the spirit of giving, I like the Christmas spirit, it just means something different to me.
If just a few more folks would get this message into their heads....