What is it that I seek? Everything, happiness, truth, God, Forgiveness, a way to make my life make sense. I have found that humans have placed allot of worth in things that don't really matter.
When you look at the BIG picture how much do we really need? Most of what we NEED we pay little or no attention to. I know I spend too much time dealing with outside influences when I should be looking inward, feeding my spirit. This does not mean becoming introverted, or going to church, reading the bible or anything like that. Not that those are necessarily bad things. I simply mean feeding my spirit with all that is given to me by my creator. The creator does not care about nice houses, the big game, the latest episode of someone Else's real or imitation life.
What am I doing? What can I do to be calmer, freer - happier?
Learning to quiet the mind and just be, to concern myself with just this one concept. To hear that which I am supposed to hear and see what I am supposed to see.
Do I need to fit in someones box to do this? NO! In fact most seekers don't.......
How do I clear the thought patterns that keep me bound to things that are not healthy for my mind, body or spirit?
At the behest of a fellow seeker, I wish to share the journey with any like minded fellow travelers who wish to tag along.
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