
Tyrany is an inside job,freedom from guilt and regret is possible when you become one with your life's mission

Monday, January 3, 2011

All things NEW

Well here we are at a new year! Do I have any resolutions? Well no, they are more like goals.
I have some new personal work this year, I'm sure there will be more but 2 days in I knew I should be working on my relationships with those I consider my "friends". Are you really my friend if I have to call or write you every time we have contact? does the phone not work both ways? When I invite you over and say you will come, then don't and don't call .... for weeks then say something lame like "oh I laid down to watch tv for a Minuit and fell asleep" .... doesn't this at least warrant an apology the next day or later that day or evening?... I tend not to pay so much attention, figure it is not intentional or personal, but when it happens over and over I have to wonder..... is it personal? If not why do I keep putting myself out there? It never fails to hurt my feelings yet I have ALWAYS been there for this family, when ever they need, I have been there from Illness to birthing babies to the helping hand during times of poverty, and in times of great personal pain as well as many, many happy times too.....
So this year I am working to figure out why I do this and what I can do to stop it!
Am I so desperate for companionship that I will do anything?.... NO! So it must be something else, I am sure it is connected to the boundary issues I know I have...... knowing when to say when so to speak.  I seem to have a handle on most of the areas where this is an issue... all but this one.
I want to be a better wife... not that I am a bad one, but there is always room for improvement. Most of this is things about myself not the relationship.
We all deal with sexual issues as we get older, though now along with some of that I have had surgery and need to start over, it is not something you can just dive into like a chilly pond! My husband is great and we are working through this ...again..... this is not the first time but we are no longer in our 30s or nearly as fit ha ha. we truly a team and for that I am grateful! So I do owe myself, him and our marriage some time to see where I can do better, I have spent allot of time improving myself as a human being, so this year I will point some of that energy into making my marriage stronger and better than it is now, and it is already quit good. We are planning for our not so much retirement, but for the day when we work because we want to not because we have to.
We cut our debt in half last year, we won't be quite as aggressive this year, we know we can't do another year with out some recreation, with the change in the economy our income went down shortly after agreeing to terms that made the year real tough.... but it will be worth it! I think this year we will go slower and be a bit more comfortable.... sometimes you just need a rest!
I have a business starting up this year, and will publish the website this month so my last goal of 2010 is on track and started the year with a few bucks in the bank, and my husband has 3 interviews for a new position at work today!
HELLO 2011!    SHIFT happens! Lets fly!!!!

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